Dead Beat

Dead Beats LMAO!

That's all I'm use to is Dead Beats.

Cause I'm use to getting my ass beat.

For Fucking up in school for being rude not applying to that golden rule.

I'm telling your daddy would make a child piss their pants and go to sleep early.

Regardless of the weather hot or cold I would wrap up in a thousand Sheets.

Balded up on my Lil twin sized bed.

Shit have you bumped yo head, I used to be under the bed, scared like a nightmare.

Cause no matter what time he got got home he was gone whoop that ass.

But I must have forgot yo name DBD nigga.

Dead Beat Dad, never going to make home.

Out running the streets pose to be making ends meet.

So fuck that let me get from under the bed, turn on some lights and keep writing till my poems get tight hold....................

Dead Beat home, door flies open, mom dukes is home.

Just when I thought I was home free, Mom dukes yell get yo ass down here you ain't sleep.

So ain't no more getting under that bed or getting them thousand sheets, cause regardless of a dead Beat you can still get your ASS BEAT!!!