Think Like A Man

Think Like A Man

Why is it that females believe that they can think like a man??? Just because you hang around a bunch of men don't mean that you can think like a man that just means you are around a bunch of men. To think like a man is to be a man, and to be a man you really have to not care about a lot of things seriously.

See majority of guys are 20% Brains and 70% Dicks and 10% spontaneous actions. See we have to be real about certain situations here if you women really thought like a man and not to sound like a ass or anything the minute you tell a guy you pregnant you should already came up with the same thought that he would come up with and thats "Get Abortion" and not cause guys don't want to have kids thats just want majority of them 1st thought is "Im making her get a abortion" that simple.

See you can't really say you think like a man when you know that a guy thinks about sex 60% of the time (Its been researched) the 1st thing they experience is morning wood so you know thats the 1st thing on their mind. So if you thought like a man then you would know the proper times you should not go to a man's house if you going to a man's house after 9pm chances are he is just not trying to chill with you he is looking for some type of advancement so be smart about it for once. Another thing if you thought like a man you would know that if you are not somebody's main then you would know how to that once the sex is over its time to get up and leave not cuddle but some of your really don't think like a man y'all just want to believe y'all do.

See what you feel to realize is that men think totally different from women, we get around our friends we talk about different things such as "Would you have sex with Whoopi Goldberg for $1000" or "Aye man guess who I knocked off the other day etc..." random thoughts and actions at different times thats just what men do and ladies that is not what y'all do its not in y'all DNA to do things like that.

So All in All ladies you can't think like a man because you are not a man, there will always be things that men can do that you can't its the life of double standards we live in for example: "A man can sleep with 20 females he is praised" and "A female can sleep with 20 males and she is considered a hoe, slut etc..." stop trying to compete with males in certain areas its just not a good look for you . Thinking like a man will not get you who you want, it will not get you brownie points it will only damage your image oh and last and finally it WILL HAVE YOU LONELY, SAD AND MISERABLE. Stop trying to think like a man and start thinking more like a woman and having respect for yourself thats a better look.