No Male wants a female that chases the spotlight and No Female wants a male groupie. No Male wants a female that lives life thinking that materials are everything and No Female wants a male that think he can buy her heart with material things. No Male wants a female thats been ran through and No Female wants a male with no experience. No Male wants a female that lacks Ambition and No Female wants a male that lacks hustle. See both Male and Female have many wants but not everybody wants to make sacrifices for one another because they fear of one having the upper hand and we our pride and ego will never let us play the back seat.
It comes a time in life where one must grow up and realize that we can't keep doing the same thing over and over. See a lot of people get stuck in the moment of there glory days (The Days when they was THE MAN or The Bitch) that life passes them by because they try to keep living off that moment and they believe they can ride that wave all the way to success, thats when a lot of people forget that who they really are and lose focus of their true purpose.
People never realize when enough is enough, see growth doesn't come with age growth comes mentally and its a lot of people thats aging everyday and every year but they aren't growing mentally so they lack the knowledge of knowing when you have to grow up and stop entertaining kid games and become adult. Don't let your lack you growth hinder you from meeting your true potential, and keep you from being able to truly some love and trust somebody because of fear of not knowing when enough is enough and learning grow mentally and physically.
Nobody wants to change but don't fear change either...just know when enough is ENOUGH...................
May 30, 2012 at 10:46 PM
May 30, 2012 at 10:52 PM
"Don't it make you sad to know that life is more than who we are?"-GGD band
That quote/lyric floated into my mind while reading your post...It is kind of sad to come to understand that life isn't just about the individual but instead, the group. But moving on...
As far as male and female relationship issues come in, it's all about insecurities. Mental growth cannot be achieved as long as the insecurities exist. Many of these insecurities are burned into the brains of young boys and girls and they grow into adults with many fears which create problems in relationships. These fears also produce what we could consider "immaturity". Growing up is a fearful process because it means you grow closer to death. But that's another comment for another time. What you write of here appears to be relationship immaturity... Mental growth can sometimes only be achieved by psychological help. Insecurity is the biggest problem humans face in any form of relationship. Insecurity is the main reason for racism, sexism, jealousy, arrogance, religious intolerance, ignorance, and blatant stupidity. Mental growth must be achieved by first removing the insecurities causing the problems, only then will the growth become able to be achieved.
I liked your writing here, it gave me something to think about. :D
May 31, 2012 at 7:01 PM
I def understand where you are coming from people fear change and change is the unknown and unknown leads to being out of your comfort zone and people fear being out of that.....But its always great to hear other peoples views and opinions on things but you are def right
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